Larry Fox

Larry FoxLarry Fox
125 Clark Hall
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164
Phone: (509) 335-0786

 Dr. Fox’s area of expertise is dairy management and the reduction of mastitis. His research efforts are designed to examine new methods of control of contagious mastitis. These efforts are principally directed at control of Staphylococcus aureus and Mycoplasma sp. mastitis. The focus is directed at the development and validation of strategies to control this disease through applied and basic research. Currently we are utilizing biotechnologies to “Fingerprint” S. aureus and Mycoplasma sp, to trace the pathogen from its reservoir to fomite to the host, the cow, for these two pathogen types. His group also study the effectiveness of standard milking procedures to reduce mastitis and improve milk quality.

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